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Dear Food Enthusiasts,

Looking for delicious Sichuan cuisine with a big heart? Look no further than Si Chuan Dou Hua, a restaurant group in Singapore that's not only famous for its mouthwatering flavours but also for its dedication to fostering an inclusive and diverse work environment.

In today’s email:

  • Foodie Find: SI CHUAN DOU HUA - A Culinary Ascent with a Heart for Inclusion


  • Daily Bites: AI in Action: From Perfectly Plated Dishes to Personalized Palates!

  • Marketing Munchies: Looking to create a more inclusive dining experience at your restaurant? Here are 3 tips:

Quote of the Day: "True inclusion is not just about adding people; it's about changing the organization to value their contributions." - Vernā Myers 

SI CHUAN DOU HUA - A Culinary Ascent with a Heart for Inclusion

Soar to new heights with Si Chuan Dou Hua, a fine-dining Chinese restaurant perched on the 60th floor of Singapore's iconic UOB Plaza. Beyond the breathtaking view of the Central Business District and the elegant interiors lies a menu brimming with delectable Sichuan and Cantonese dishes – a perfect setting for power lunches or celebratory dinners.

But Si Chuan Dou Hua offers more than just exquisite food. They are also championing a cause close to their hearts – fostering an inclusive work environment.
Si Chuan Dou Hua, which translates to "Sichuan Bean Flower" in English, is a beloved name in Singapore's culinary scene. Their restaurants are renowned for their authentic Sichuan dishes, bursting with bold flavours and the unique spice of the Sichuan peppercorn. However, Si Chuan Dou Hua is making waves for more than just their delicious food. They are actively championing inclusivity within their workforce, creating a welcoming and respectful environment for employees from all walks of life.

Building a Diverse Culinary Family

In a world where the F&B industry can often face challenges with recruitment and retention, Si Chuan Dou Hua stands out for its commitment to diversity and inclusion. They actively seek to hire individuals from various backgrounds and abilities, fostering a team that reflects the vibrant tapestry of Singapore's society. This not only enriches the work experience for employees but also brings a wider range of perspectives and culinary influences to the table.

Empowering Through Training and Development

Si Chuan Dou Hua believes in investing in their employees' growth. They offer comprehensive training programs that equip staff with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, regardless of their prior experience. This commitment to continuous learning empowers employees and fosters a sense of career progression within the company.

Beyond the Kitchen: A Ripple Effect of Inclusivity

The positive impact of Si Chuan Dou Hua's inclusive practices extends beyond their restaurants. By creating a welcoming environment for all, they inspire other businesses in the F&B industry to embrace diversity and inclusion. This creates a ripple effect, fostering a more equitable and representative workforce across Singapore's culinary scene.

So next time you're craving a delicious and authentic Sichuan dining experience, consider supporting Si Chuan Dou Hua! They are not only tantalizing taste buds but also setting a positive example for inclusivity within the F&B industry.


Exquisite Sichuan dishes at Si Chuan Dou Hua | Image credit: Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant

Si Chuan Dou Hua, a name synonymous with exquisite Sichuan and Cantonese cuisine in Singapore, transcends the realm of just fine dining. This restaurant group is etching its name in the culinary scene for a far more profound reason – its unwavering commitment to fostering an inclusive work environment.

Breaking Barriers: A Pioneering Approach to Hiring

Five years ago, Si Chuan Dou Hua embarked on a groundbreaking journey. They spearheaded an inclusive hiring initiative, actively seeking to recruit individuals with disabilities (PWDs) into their workforce. This move challenged the status quo within the fast-paced and demanding world of F&B service. Alvin Chin, their first employee with disabilities, paved the way for others like April Koh, creating a team that reflects the vibrant diversity of Singapore's society.

Alvin & April at Si Chuan Dou Hua (Top of UOB Plaza) | Image credit: Linda Loke

From Challenges to Triumphs: A Collaborative Effort

Integrating PWDs presented initial hurdles. However, under the leadership of Linda Loke, Director of Food and Beverage, Si Chuan Dou Hua fostered a supportive environment. Patience, open communication, and a willingness to learn from each other became the cornerstones of this initiative. The unwavering support from diners also played a crucial role. Today, success stories abound - Alvin's transformation from shyness to confident guest interaction and April's mastery of presenting festive dishes are testaments to the program's effectiveness.

Si Chuan Dou Hua team | Image credit: Image credit: Linda Loke

Beyond Training: Empowering Individuals for Growth

Si Chuan Dou Hua emphasizes investing in their PWD staff. They provide comprehensive skills training, fostering not just technical proficiency but also independence and a sense of accomplishment. Witnessing the growth of individuals like Alvin and April, who are now training new team members like Eason, fills the team with immense pride. This commitment to empowerment extends beyond the kitchen. Shared meals, team-building events, and genuine care create a supportive family atmosphere where everyone feels valued and respected. Linda acknowledges the crucial role of families and caregivers, recognizing that a successful support system is vital for a truly inclusive workplace.

A Deep-Rooted Commitment to Giving Back

Si Chuan Dou Hua's dedication to inclusivity goes beyond their restaurant walls. It stems from a deep-rooted philosophy of social responsibility. Their participation in events like The Purple Parade, a movement celebrating disability inclusion, and initiatives like "Noodles for Good," which empowers individuals with autism, exemplifies their dedication to giving back to the community.

Si Chuan Dou Hua team at The Purple Parade | Image credit: Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant

More Than Just a Meal: The Ripple Effect of Inclusivity

Si Chuan Dou Hua's story is a beacon of inspiration, not just for Singapore's F&B scene, but for businesses worldwide. It demonstrates the transformative power of inclusivity. It's more than just checking a box; it's about creating a workplace that celebrates diversity, fosters individual growth, and enriches the lives of both employees and customers. By embracing inclusivity, Si Chuan Dou Hua sets a powerful example, inspiring others to build a more equitable and compassionate future for the industry as a whole.

Join the Conversation: How You Can Be a Part of the Change

The power to create positive change lies within each of us. Here are some ways you can contribute to a more inclusive F&B scene:

  • Support Restaurants Championing Inclusivity: Do your research and patronize restaurants that prioritize inclusivity in their hiring practices.

  • Spread the Word: Share positive experiences you have at inclusive restaurants and encourage others to do the same.

  • Embrace Diversity: Be open to and appreciate the unique perspectives and experiences that individuals from diverse backgrounds bring to the table.

By taking these small steps, we can collectively push the F&B industry towards a brighter future – one that celebrates inclusivity, empowers individuals and creates a richer and more rewarding dining experience for all.

From Perfectly Plated Dishes to Personalized Palates!

We've been exploring the exciting ways AI is revolutionizing the F&B industry. Today, let's delve into the world of smart kitchens and see how AI is transforming food preparation and service!

AI Chefs? Not Quite, But Pretty Dang Close!

While the idea of a fully robotic kitchen staffed by AI chefs might seem like science fiction, AI is already playing a significant role behind the scenes. Imagine recipe scaling software that automatically adjusts ingredient quantities for larger batches, ensuring consistent taste and quality even during peak service hours. Additionally, AI-powered smart ovens can precisely control temperature and cooking times, resulting in perfectly cooked dishes every single time.

Personalization is King (and Queen!)

AI can also be a game-changer for customer experience. Imagine restaurant apps that learn your preferences and recommend dishes you're likely to enjoy. These same apps could even suggest wine pairings or accommodate dietary restrictions, creating a truly personalized dining experience.

The Future of F&B: A Collaborative Effort

While AI brings incredible advancements to the kitchen, it's important to remember that human creativity and culinary expertise will always be irreplaceable. The future of F&B lies in a collaborative effort between AI and human talent. AI can handle repetitive tasks and complex calculations, freeing up chefs to focus on what they do best – conceptualizing innovative dishes and creating an unforgettable dining experience for their guests.

Looking to create a more inclusive dining experience at your restaurant? Here are 3 tips:

  • Multilingual Menus: Consider offering menus in multiple languages to cater to a wider audience.

  • Dietary Awareness: Clearly highlight vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options on your menu.

  • Accessible Seating: Ensure your restaurant layout is accessible for people with disabilities

Thanks for joining us today, food enthusiasts! That's all for today, food enthusiasts! We've journeyed through the inspiring world of inclusive hiring with Si Chuan Dou Hua, and then explored the innovative world of AI chefs in our Daily Bites. Remember, embracing diversity strengthens communities in restaurants and beyond, while AI is poised to become a valuable partner in the kitchen.

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Cheers to delicious discoveries!

Bernard Koh
Founder - Food Idea


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